Bishop Bill McAlilly
Bishop Bill McAlilly
3M ago
During the 2023 annual conference, the body voted to set aside a fund of approximately 3 million dollars to assist churches who were impacted by disaffiliation and the process of Par 2553 in the life of their church. I appointed a Response team to create a process of application to discern the disbursement of this more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
3M ago
As we step into our new church context, I want to invite the Church to take a breath. Let the Pentecostal winds of the Holy Spirit help us understand more fully the decisions made at the General Conference. What is true is that we are a Church of Grace, unmerited Grace more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
5M ago
We celebrate the ways these recent decisions reinforce the power of God’s love in our lives and the world. I also recognize how these decisions add complexity to our life together as United Methodists more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
5M ago
I wanted to share my thoughts with you as the United Methodist Church prepares for the General Conference session in Charlotte, NC, later this month more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
5M ago
“Cohort District Superintendents” will serve on the Appointive Cabinet with responsibility for charge conferences and consultations and will assist in the appointment work representing the churches and pastors under their care. more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
6M ago
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 3 They had been saying to one another, “Who will more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
6M ago
Our legislators need to hear that we will not stand for taking resources from our most vulnerable families more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
6M ago
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God” Matthew 5:9 NLT As bishops of The United Methodist Church, we call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire inthe conflict between Hamas and Israel in Gaza and pledge our prayers and commitment to work for adurable peace for more
Bishop Bill McAlilly
7M ago
My son, Chris, always offers me great stories to ponder. Today, he offers this one as a reflection of the journey of life and the power of the simple act of the liturgy on Ash Wednesday. I don’t know where you are as you begin this Lenten journey, but I pray that you will join more