Sql certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: I'm getting this error when connecting Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server  &  Microsoft ODBC Driver 18.x for SQL Server. The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted What is the fix for this error ? Answer: Step 1: Check if sql server Force Encryption is set to No .   There are different wasys to check such as How to check SSL encryption is enabled on SQL Server with Powershell    & How to check a SQL Server connection is encrypted with SSL here is an example DECLARE @force_encryption INT EXEC xp_instanc ..read more
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Sqlserver-dba.com switching from feedburner to follow.it
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Following changes in the feedburner service , sqlserver-dba.com is changing the rss feed and email notification subscription service to follow.it  Email  notification subscribers -  We've moved your subscription from feedburner to follow.it . There is no requirement to opt-in again to rececive your content.  If you currently don't have an email notification subscription to sqlserver-dba.com than use the email subscription on the right panel , to receive regular updates on SQL Server DBA related troubleshooting and technology topics from sqlserver-dba.com       ..read more
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How do I find hidden files taking up space?
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: I'm attempting to drop a drive on Windows 2016 but seeing space used . I've checked the drives but there are no files in the drive. I also checked "Hidden items" and no files appear . How can I identify the items taking up the space ?   Answer: These steps deal with a common problem of deleting items from the hidden folder $Recycle.bin   Note : If you think the issue it's  related to the pagefile.sys you can Find Windows pagefile location through command line and wmic Step 1 : assuming your dive is called : H:\. Open the windows cmd and execute this command: dir ..read more
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How to find all tables with primary key SQL Server
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: How can I find tables in a SQL Server database that have a Primary Key ?  Answer: To identify if a table has a Primary Key - you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY method with the property TableHasPrimaryKey.   This returns 1 or 0 depending on whether the table has a PRIMARY KEY or not .   Example 1 : Check if a table has a PRIMRY KEY   SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'myschema.myTable'),'TableHasPrimaryKey')   Example 2: Find all tables with Unique NonClustered Indexes and the table has no Primary Key    select schema_name(t.schema_id) as schemana ..read more
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How to find UDT on SQL Server columns?
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: I want to find SQL Server table columns which are using user-defined types  . I also want to find SQL Server columns  in which the nulability at the column level is different from the nullability set at the user-defined type level.    Answer:  These are some queries you can use to find the UDT information.   One thing to be aware of is that one of the purposes of UDT is to offer strong typing structure beyond the standard SQL Server types used on columns    Query 1 : Find table name , column referening user-defined types  select obje ..read more
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Find LOB tables with no PRIMARY KEY
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: How can I find and report on SQL Server tables with LOB columns but where the table has no PRIMARY KEY?    I'm classing an LOB column as 'TEXT', 'NTEXT','IMAGE' ,'XML', 'VARBINARY','NVARCHAR(MAX)' & 'VARCHAR(MAX)'. I need this information for DMS & CDC processes. Answer:  The main idea is list out the  LOB column tables & then check if they have a PRIMARY KEY associated.  This query completes this task . The query also checks across multiple schemas across a database.     SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.C ..read more
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Trace flag 902 in SQL Server and Error 574
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
During a routine SQL Server patching process on SQL Server some error messages appeared in the SQL Server Error Logs.    As a result SQL Server was not able to  start up    Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.   Error: 574, Severity: 16, State: 0. CONFIG statement cannot be used inside a user transaction.  Error: 912, Severity: 21, State: 2.   Script level upgrade for database 'master' failed because upgrade step 'msdb110_upgrade.sql' encountered error 574, state 0, severity 16. This ..read more
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How to find SQL Filtered Indexes
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: How can I find SQL Server Filtered Indexes  ?    We are woking on some migrations  from SQL Server to other engine platform and part of the process includes locating a range of database objects . The identified objects will be recoded into the target engine plaform  Answer: This script returns a list of Indexes using the filtered index element. SELECT sch.[Name] as SchemaName ,tbl.[Name] as TableName ,idx.[Name] as IndexName ,idx.[type_desc] as IndexType ,idx.filter_definition as IndexFilterDefinition FROM sys.indexes idx INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl ON tbl.ob ..read more
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Find SQL Server LOB Columns
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: Do you have a SQL Script to locate SQL Server LOB columns?  I need to find them as I'm organizing a SQL Server  conversions and need to identify the SQL Server LOB columns for special attention   Answer: Use this  SQL Script as a starting point to identify the LOB columns in your SQL Server tables.   SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE DATA_TYPE IN ('NTEXT','IMAGE' ,'XML', 'VARBINARY','TEXT' ) OR (data_type IN ('NVARCHAR','VARCHAR') and character_maximum_length = -1)     Find  other useful details in SQL Server ..read more
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How to find default values of all SQL Server columns
SQL Server DBA
by Tom Collins
1y ago
Question: Do you have a sql query to check every  sql server database  column and identify if a default value is applied to the column?     Answer : This query example will return 3 columns - table, column , and default column value    use [myDB] SELECT so.NAME AS "TABLE", sc.NAME AS "COLUMN", sm.TEXT AS "DEFAULT COLUMN VALUE" FROM dbo.sysobjects so INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns sc ON so.id = sc.id LEFT JOIN dbo.syscomments sm ON sc.cdefault = sm.id WHERE so.xtype = 'U' AND sm.TEXT IS NOT NULL ORDER BY so.[name], sc.colid Read more on finding other SQL da ..read more
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