How to get a distinct count of unique values in Excel

Note: Video demonstration at bottom of post.

In some applications, like Power BI, you can get a distinct count of unique values in a column in just a click or two. But of all the functions in Excel, there isn’t a straightforward “Distinct Count” unfortunately.

There are, however, the following two functions that, when used together, give the desired result:

  • COUNTA – Counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty
  • UNIQUE – Returns the unique values from a range or array

So, we’re listing all the unique values we have in a range or column by using UNIQUE and then nesting it within the COUNTA function to count the number of values returned. Here are three examples:

Distinct count goalFormula example
Distinct count for a range of cells=COUNTA(UNIQUE(E19:E26))
Distinct count for a table column when referenced within the same table=COUNTA(UNIQUE([Project]))
Distinct count for a table column when referenced outside the table=COUNTA(UNIQUE(Table1[Project]))

Be sure to replace the cell range, column name, and/or table and column name in the formulas with your own.

A video demonstration of this formula in use is embedded below.

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