11 Parenting Tips to Help Build Resilience in Your Child

Illustration of kids playing together with toys
Table of Contents

Tip #11 – Build a child-friendly environment with practices that promote self-esteem, social skills, communication and problem solving.

Building a child-friendly environment in your child’s home can give them the confidence and skills they need to handle difficult moments. A child-friendly environment:

  • Empowers your child
  • Increases their self-esteem and promotes their communication skills
  • Allows them to solve social problems (rather than avoid them)
  • Assists with developing social skills for when they’re out in public, which is important when it comes to preventing bullying.

Tip #10 – Focus on emotional intelligence

The child’s resilience is built when they are given the opportunity to develop emotional intelligence. This requires the child to be allowed to learn how their feelings affect their actions, as well as developing empathy towards themselves and others. Parents can help in building emotional intelligence by praising the child for small accomplishments, while also giving them a safe space to explore and talk about what they’re feeling.

Tip #9 – Foster challenging but manageable tasks to help build their sense of accomplishment

Helping your child develop a sense of accomplishment is important in building their resilience. There are many ways to provide them with challenges that are manageable for them, such as:

  • Helping out at home
  • A small chore outside the house (such as walking the dog)
  • Giving up televisions and video games for one day
  • Helping with homework
  • Giving them a special task that they can do on their own

kids playing tug of war

Tip #8 – Teach children how to regulate their emotions and impulses

Knowing how to regulate their emotions and impulses is an important part of child development. Children can learn this from following the guidance below:

  1. Be mindful when doing something they’re not supposed to do
  2. Stay calm in difficult situations
  3. Ask for help if they need it (from a trusted adult)
  4. Stop or avoid anything that’s causing them distress, such as by taking breaks at school. If necessary, go outside during recess periods.
  5. Teach children there are many ways to solve problems without violence

One way parents can teach nonviolent conflict resolution skills is through playing games with the child that involve problem-solving and brainstorming various solutions before choosing one. For example: “I Spy” “Would You Rather?” Games like these allow kids to practice for what they’ll need to do in the future.

Tip #7 – Give your child opportunities to help others, it will raise their self-esteem

Giving your child the opportunity to help others will allow them to develop a sense of accomplishment. Giving back can be as simple as looking for opportunities in your child’s community or volunteering during their free time.

Tip #6 – Create a safe and supportive environment for them by teaching them how to care for themselves

A child’s self-care is extremely important in order to build resilience. When a child knows how to care for themselves, they are less likely to seek unhealthy coping skills like drinking or smoking later on in life. Kids can learn (or be reminded) of ways they can take care of themselves by:

  • Making healthy food choices
  • Learning about the dangers of alcohol and drugs
  • Understanding why it’s important not to engage with people who make them feel uncomfortable
  • Talking about what they’re feeling so that you know if something else isn’t going right at home or school

Tip #5 – Help your child recognize the warning signs of stress so they can take steps to manage it. Teach them coping skills like deep breathing or meditation.

Helping your child recognize the warning signs of stress is one way to preemptively avoid it. Helping a child learn coping skills like deep breathing or meditation can help them manage their feelings and behavior in stressful situations when they’re on their own.

Tip #4 – Encourage communication with friends and family outside the home as well as inside–they need support!

A child needs support from their friends and family outside the home in order to build resilience. They also need communication with those that they live with, as well as getting time for themselves.

girl with makeup and positive t-shirt

Tip #3 – Spend quality time together doing things that are meaningful – this builds trust between parent/child relationships

Encouraging your child to spend quality time with you is one way to help build their resilience. Spending time together doing meaningful things will also allow them to feel more connected and trusting of the parent-child relationship which builds a child’s sense of safety and security.

Tip #2 – Be mindful about what assumptions we make as parents

It’s important for us as parents to be aware that we may not know the full story behind our child’s behavior or why they’re feeling certain ways–so it helps if we ask. We need to understand all aspects so that we can better advise, teach, comfort, discipline, offer support, etc., in order for our child to succeed in life. So sometimes when children are struggling:

  • We might assume they’re lazy
  • We might assume that child doesn’t like their teacher
  • We might assume children are being difficult when really they are struggling.

Tip #1 – Be mindful about how we talk to our kids, as words can have an impact

It may seem harmless because it’s just your child but children are very perceptive and often take things said to them more seriously than you realize, especially if these comments come from someone else in the household. So asking ourselves: “What am I telling my child?” before making any comment or doing anything becomes important so that children understand us better and trust us even more.”

By using these principles, parents can teach their children how to care for themselves, recognize the warning signs of stress so they know when it’s time to take a step back from life, encourage communication with friends and family outside the home as well as inside–they need support! Spend quality time together doing things that are meaningful. This builds trust between parent/child relationships. Be mindful about what assumptions we make as parents, and be mindful about how we talk to our kids. If you’re interested in learning more or want some feedback on your own parenting practices feel free to comment below!