
Foxtel quits Screen Diversity Inclusion Network

Exclusive: Foxtel says it remains committed to diversity, but has dropped out of industry group.

EXCLUSIVE: Foxtel has quit industry advocacy group the Screen Diversity Inclusion Network.

SDIN was established in 2017 to work towards a more inclusive and diverse screen industry. Its members include broadcasters, screen funding agencies, business associations, guilds and training organisations.

They include ABC, SBS, Seven, Nine, 10, Free TV Australia, ASTRA, Screen Producers Australia, Australian Directors Guild and funding bodies from all states and territories. Kelrick Martin and Michelle Cheng were installed as new co-chairs earlier this month.

In addition to its Charter, SDIN is now undertaking The Everyone Project in which members can log diversity progress and changes such as cast and crew data.

Fees for SDIN membership are based on a tiered scale depending on the financial means of the organisation, but being a member also entails active involvement through member meetings and advocacy.

Foxtel was a founding member of SDIN and has always prided itself on diversity, but it isn’t clear if a challenging 2020 has led to it ceasing its membership. Last year the subscription TV group was particularly hard hit with cutbacks and staff retrenchments.

A Foxtel spokesperson said, “Foxtel remains a participant in SDIN through ASTRA’s membership, although ASTRA is not involved in The Everyone Project (the recording and measurement tool of diversity across the industry).

“We continue to be committed to a diverse and inclusive industry on and off-screen.

“We do this by working directly with the major production companies which produce our Foxtel Originals and through other company-wide commitments, including our Reconciliation Action Plan and our internal diversity and inclusion policies and targets.”

SDIN declined to comment.

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