SCBWI Vic Online Zoom Gathering 5 June 2021

Our second Victorian SCBWI gathering went online due to a COVID lockdown in Melbourne. Numbers are capped these days and we went from selling the maximum number of in-person tickets, to an extra thirty due to the online access. That’s a great turnout and more people got to enjoy our wonderful guest speakers.

ARA Caz Goodwin introduced Anna McGregor our member speaker. Anna writes, illustrates and designs award-winning picture books. She is emerging in the industry as a creator of modern, quirky and conceptual stories with humour and heart. Anna also freelances as a book designer for various publishers.

Anna spoke about her background in graphic design. She said that storytelling began creeping into her work and she started dreaming about writing and illustrating picture books. After taking a Skillshare course with Christine Nishiyama, Anna said that one thing led to another. She joined SCBWI where she met friends who became part of an online group which led to attending the bi-annual SCBWI Sydney conference which led to attending the CYA Conference in Brisbane and KidlitVic in Melbourne. Despite periods of self doubt and the slow process of the publishing industry, Anna persisted in honing her craft which lead to a contract with Hachette for Colouroos, a finalist in the SCBWI Crystal Kite awards.


Overcoming the pressure to produce a second book, Anna signed in 2019 with Scribble for her second picture book, Anenome is not the Enemy, shortlisted in the 2021 CBCA Awards.

anenome internal.jpg

Then during lockdown Anna found the creative spirit in 2020 to create A Pair of Pears and an Orange released this month by Scribble.

a pair of pears.jpg

Our next speaker was Danielle Binks, a Melbourne-based writer, reviewer, agent and book blogger. She is also a Youth Literature Advocate. In 2017, she edited and contributed to Begin, End, Begin, an anthology of new Australian young adult writing inspired by the #LoveOzYA movement, which won the ABIA Book of the Year for Older Children (Ages 13+) and was shortlisted in the 2018 Gold Inky Awards. The Year the Maps Changed was Danielle’s debut middle-grade novel, and The Monster of Her Age is her first foray into YA, coming in 2021.

Danielle spoke about the role of the literary agent and discussed the pros and cons of seeking local representation or approaching international agents. Speaking as both author & agent, she discussed the wider implications of whether or not you should write for Australian audiences, or think more broadly for global appeal.

For a manuscript to stand out Danielle looks to the Voice and opening line. She follows her passions and is very interested in graphic novels. She particularly likes Middle Grade stories and Young Adult. She believes there is a gap in the Australian market for narrative non-fiction in Middle Grade and Young Adult.

Danielle will be teaching the Professional Writing and Editing Course at RMIT beginning in July.

After enjoying two inspirational speakers the event finished with a lucky draw for a copy of Anna McGregor’s latest picture book and a print from the book.

Huge thanks to Caz Goodwin for always organising these fabulous events, Jess Racklyeft our illustrator co-ordinator, Jo Burnell our membership and newletter co-ordinator (who has stepped down from the role - THANKS FOR EVERYTHING JO! We will miss you on the committee but know you will be working on your own writing and keeping up with your busy day job.) And to Anna and Danielle for sharing so much with us this afternoon.